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Minister: Rev. Raheel Arif

Tel: 01324 819149

Examination Time?

Examine, O God, and search me; test my heart and mind. Test and confirm, O Lord, one way or the other, who and what I am; search my heart and mind... Let us test ourselves; let us examine our lives and return to the way of the Lord. Let us lift not just our hands to God in heaven but also our hearts. (Psalm 26:2,3; Lamentations 3:40,41)
Exams, people say, are getting easier. Is that true? Very possible, but if you ask students, they will say, not really, very tough.
You Scribble furiously for several hours in an examination hall, knowing that your whole future may depend on what you produce during that time, is a daunting prospect indeed – no less welcome than it’s ever been.
Some thrive under such conditions and are able to perform under pressure. A few have the happy ability of being able to study in the required facts during an intensive spell of revision, even though they’ll forget most of what they’ve learnt immediately after exam.
Others, however, despite having an excellent grasp of the subject in question, will go to pieces and end up failing miserably. The only advice we can give at such a time, and the only fair expectation we can have of any examinee, is that they do their best.
Thankfully God doesn’t ask us to sit exams, or demand that we meet a certain pass mark. He knows and understands our limitations and doesn’t set impossible standards that we must somehow attain.
The one thing he does ask is that we’re truly committed, serious about discipleship rather than simply playing at it. In that sense and especially during this season of Lent, its well worth asking God to examine us to help us understand where we’re at in our lives: what progress we’ve made in faith, where our strengths and weaknesses lie.
He doesn’t expect us to come out with flying colours, to be top of the class; he wants only to help us learn more of his ways in this season of reflection and giving up.
If we give our best in that, we can be sure God will make up what is lacking.
I pray that may God help you to identify the things that ruin your life and enable you to remove those things and prepare your heart to discover more of God and His unconditional love which he manifested in the sacrifice of His beloved Son, Jesus, on the cross. Amen
I take this opportunity to wish all a very Happy Easter when it comes.
God bless you.
Rev. Raheel Arif
Minister: Denny Old & Haggs